NAFCOC mourns the untimely passing of Former Deputy Minister Elizabeth Thabethe
It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of former Dep.Minister Thabethe. She has indeed left a big void because of the dedication and servant Leadership she demonstrated in all her previous and recent portfolios.She was one of the few tried and tested Ministers who knew, appreciated and worked closely with Nafcoc. In 2010 she represented Government during the Nafcoc 47th annual conference held in Durban.
Before she was appointed as the President Ramaphosa’s special envoy on investments,she served as a the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry from 2005-2009 and again 2010-2014 when she was appointed as Deputy Minister of Small Business Development ,she also held the portfolio of Dep. Minister of Tourism. A portfolio which she also served with dedication and championed the rights of small businesses in South Africa and economic transformation for all.
For the lives you touched and made better Ms.Thabethe.
May Your Revolutionary Soul Forever Rest in Peace.